
A modern resurrection of Pnyx for the practice of the ancient art of asking the right questions to move beyond hype and arrive at knowledge.

Hosted by
Community Event
International House, Osaka
October 7, 2019 10:00
October 7, 2019 17:30

This event will be in the same location as ETH Planet

WTF is the new TED

Value: We believe in the power of asking the right questions can drive meaningful discussions that foster deep and intimate relationships between individuals and their community, which further inspires creativity, action and change.

Mission: We seek to create a modern ressurection of Pnyx - a supportive space for open, inclusive, informed, and thoughtful exchanges of ideas.

Team: We're a volunteer-driven community events.


A community-driven discussion by contituents of the distributed society who believe in the art of asking the right questions.

Event will be streamed real time. Content transcript will be published upon permission, in English, Japanese and Chinese.

Time: 2019/10/07

Location: Somewhere interesting, Osaka, Japan

Community Participation: donation to Community ENS (to be released soon) & "A DeFi Billboard" Social Experiment on Harberger Tax

To comment on the agenda and submit new ideas for talks please come to our GitHub repo here

Tentative Agenda:

1. Bird-eye view of the Ethereum DeFi Microcosm 10:00-10:30 //Lightning talks

Story of DeFi, how it started, and where we stand now

Let’s play Lego: DeFi ecosystem mapping (NOT another DeFi Billboard)

DeFi East meets West

2. Evolution of Liquidity 10:30-11:30 //Stream of talks

Liquidity Microstructure: CeFi vs. DeFi

Evolution of the DEXes

DeFi Liquidity Models: MMORPG, Single Player Game, and beyond

3. Conversation with your DeFi PM 12:30-13:30 //Lightning talks

Profiling the DeFi Users

The Onramp: KYCed Volume vs. Permissionless Volume, and what's trending in DeFi UI?

DeFi Product-Market-Fit: Institutions v.s. Retail v.s. Bots?

DeFi Mechanism Design: Design Principles and trade offs in Decentralization

Optimization towards liquidity in protocol design

DeFi Gamification vs. DeFi Games vs. DeFi in Games

4. Inception or Deception? 13:30-14:30 //Stream of talks

The fluid collateral: ETH-WETH-MKR-DAI-cDAI-rDAI-…LSDai? Identify the weakest link

Collateralization schema in a glance: CeFi v.s. DeFi, can we go from Overcollateralization to Under-collateralization?

Chasing Yield across DeFi, PoS towards Generalized Mining

5. Intra and Interdependency of DeFi ecosystem 15:00-16:00 //Stream of talks

The DeFi Interdependency Graph: cluster and direction of interdependency

Security and liquidity implications of interoperable asset and bridges: MCD, tBTC, etc…

Common types of attacks in smart contracts operating on a single blockchain

Implication of ETH 1.0 to 2.0 for the DeFi Stack

6. Network of Networks 16:00-16:30 //Stream of talks

How to identify generalized attack vectors in smart contracts operating across interdependent blockchains

Blockchain Confirmation Assurance Framework & Cost of Attacks across Blockchains

Design against risk: Models of thinking, frameworks, and methodologies

Highly coupled systems: Failures cascading through highly interdependent or bridged blockchains

Special considerations in formal verification of bridge smart contracts

Is formal verification enough? //Panel

7. DeFi beyond Ethereum 16:30-17:30 //Discussion

Overview of collateralized assets across major blockchains

Panel: Ethereum vs. Cosmos vs. Polkadot vs. Near vs. EOS vs. Nervos vs. Libra

What is DeFi? Definition Revisited.

Does DeFi need scalability or better security?

What are the missing infrastructure component for DeFi?

What can each chain bring to the table for DeFi?

“Why can’t we port over the Ethereum tech stack to a new blockchain?” How to prevent building ghost cities of liquidity

DeFi.WTF Community Participation:

1. "A DeFi Billboard" Harberger Taxes Social Experiment (Coming Soon!)

This is the only place you may see logos, REALLY LOUD LOGOS. We are creating "A DeFi Billboard" specifically to take the salesman pitch off the serious discussions.

"A DeFi Billboard" is both physical and virtual: we will conduct a continuous auction on 10 Slots collecting Harberger Taxes, have a physical retro-style neon billboard at the event venue for the winning logos, and a banner on DeFi.WTF website (coming soon). The proceeds will go into funding the event, as well as funding the continued research that comes out of the event.

To participate in the Harberger Taxes Experiment, DM me at Github: @ShrutiAppiah or Telegram: @ShrutiAppiah1

2. Donation to Community ENS: defiwtf.eth

You may include a 140 letter message detailing why you are pledging your support, or something you would like to say to the community.

Your name and message will be recognized at DeFi.WTF website (coming soon), DeFi.WTF Twitter, and at the event.

If you'd like to support Community ENS, DM us at Github: @ShrutiAppiah/@CarboClanC or Telegram: @shrutiappiah1/TinaZhen

3. Pop-up Collective - Dissolves after 21 Days

If you are a thinker/creative/hacker, join our pop-up collective of volunteers in preparation of that will exist for 21 days then dissolve. The collective will determine the spending of the donations and "A DeFi Billboard" proceeds, and publish the financials once the collective dissolves.

The collective will determine which research streams gets the remaining balance. Prior to dissolving, the collective also decides whether to turn into a loosely-organized community or a more institutionalized DAO with clear governing mechanism.

We need your brain power in helping us come up with the toughest questions that YOU care. Comment directly under this thread if you have a proposal or comments, and don't forget to VOTE when voting period begins. More details, coming soon!

We need more help with design and implementation of the Quadratic Voting tool, and the Harberger Taxes social experiment! (DM me @CarboClanC on GitHub or Telegram @TinaZhen)

For community participation please also come to our GitHub repo here